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Antelope Crossing Middle School Athletics


Please contact our Athletic Director, Jaimie Camarillo at or (916) 745-2100, if you have any questions.

Fall Sports

Winter Sports

  • Basketball - Boys - Coach Jeff Coley (7th Grade) and Coach Tom Alba (8th Grade)
  • Basketball - Girls - Coach Margot Elliott, (7th Grade) and Coach Gregory Harris (8th Grade)
  • Wrestling - Coach Pedro Martinezmoles and Coach Jonathan Whitworth

Spring Sports

  • Flag Football - Girls - Coach Jeff Coley and Coach Steffan Wagman, (7th Grade), Coach Robert Endres
  • Track & Field - Coach Pedro Martinezmoles and Coach Casey Martin,
  • Volleyball - Boys - Coach Jaimie Camarillo,


Athletic Enrollment and Sports Physical

Athletic Enrollment: Please complete the REQUIRED online athletic enrollment (APPRYSE).    This link can be found on the school website under the "Athletics" tab or by clicking on this link.  Included in the packet is the VAC form, which must be turned in at the time of participation.

Sports Physical: All students who participate as athletes in organized competitive sports shall first undergo and file with Appryse a current physical exam form filled out by the student's physician. Physician's form must have the physician's signature, address and phone number to be considered valid. The physical expires ONE year from the date indicated by the physician. Upon sustaining an injury or serious illness, a student may be required to have another examination before resuming the sports activity. Athletes sustaining a concussion or serious injury must be medically released from a licensed physician before resuming activity. (Administrative Regulations 5141.3)